Fabric bags & Organza bags

Fabric bags and accessory gift bags for e.g. jewellery, watches & fabric make-up bags

Then you don't have to look any further for small fabric bags! Below you can order neat little fabric bags in several sizes for wrapping e.g. jewellery, watches and bracelets - or which you can use as gift bags for your customers or clients. The small, smart organza bags can also be used for customer gifts. Should your customers have the make-up protected during clothes fitting - and your clothes protected from the mapkeup! - you order our facial bags on this page.

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Beautiful or practical fabric bags?

At ManneQ.com you can choose between elegant, smart small fabric bags and larger, more practical makeup bags.

Beautiful fabric bags

< p>You use the smart and elegant fabric bags to pack jewellery, watches, bracelets in a gentle way. You can also use them to make small gift packages in larger portions, for customers' Christmas gifts for employees or if you yourself have special small gifts to hand out to customers. You choose between discreet black gift bags in several sizes, or you can choose the more colorful organza bags. These gift bags are perhaps the easiest and fastest way to make a lot of great gifts!

Practical fabric bags

If you sell women's clothing, customers must have the opportunity to try on the clothing. Now, it can have its challenges, letting several female customers try on the same clothes from day to day, without make-up getting into the clothes. In addition, the customer will prefer that the clothes test does not destroy the make-up that the customer has spent time putting on.

You can also offer your female customers the use of a face bag. It protects both clothes and the customer's make-up.

Cheap shipping on fabric bags

For all our fabric bags, you do not have to pay more for shipping, regardless of how many bags you order. So you can safely order in, order larger batches of fabric bags, without the shipping price increasing.

And remember: these fabric bags have a tendency to fall apart just when you need them the most. You can ensure this by ordering enough to take home at a time.

Order your small fabric bags at ManneQ.com today.