Product hooks for shops
Product hooks for shops
Find product hooks for shops, product hooks for your wall, product hooks for panels, product hooks for perforated plates, product hooks for grids, product hooks for walls, cheap product hooks. We carry all types of hooks, single or double goods spikes, Eurohooks, T-hooks, S-hooks, etc. They are available in lengths from 2 to 33 cm for many different types of hanging systems and various shop fittings. Naturally, here you will find goods spears or goods hooks for grooved panels, the Zeta rail and perforated plates with round or square holes. Other product hooks are intended for installation on; decorative rods that are 5 mm or 12 mm thick. In addition to this range, you will find i.a. merchandise spears for shop fittings for grids, for ”Vandrør” and other systems. We have a great selection of items of all kinds, including; find your cheap goods hooks here, "look and you shall find!"

Product hooks
At ManneQ we have one of Denmark's largest selection of product hooks. We are the preferred supplier of hundreds of shops and businessesr shelf pegs for setting up shelves in many colors and several sizes are just an example
If you need to be able to present, display a range of blouses, shirts, jackets, vests, then a slanted product hook with 5 ball stops is a obvious opportunity. For the system, there are also straight hangers or front hangers of 20 or 30 cm length with a stop in the form of a smaller round disk at the front end of the hanger, so that hangers and clothes do not slide down or off.
Do you need an optional number of meters one of your walls is long enough to hang clothes hangers, then with this unique system you can get away with hanger rods in 60 cm length, you can buy one or 8 or 200 pieces as you like.
Photo of product hooks from the SuperPlug system
Product hooks for shop fittings in black water pipes (heading)
Here you will find single spears in lengths 10,15, 22 and a full 33 centimeters and they are all black of course, note the slightly different lengths in comparison to all other product hooks. There are ten pieces in each package
Hulls or S-shaped hooks (header)
You can find almost all varieties in S-hooks (link ) from the very small to the big, some decent "teddies", light or heavy, in different colors and qualities, happy hunting!
If you are looking for UNI-POS hook adapters and or Swingtabs, you will find them under this menu item . If you can't find them, call or email us and we'll find it for you, for you!
(Maybe that's not enough)
throughout the country. We sell product hooks in many different lengths and in many materials, therefore it is no problem to find just the product hooks that fit in your store and for the system you may already be using.Our product hooks can be used for many purposes such as clothes, shoes, tools, jewellery, bicycles, bicycle helmets, climbing equipment and much, much more. If you can't find the item hook you're missing, give us a call, we can guarantee you help, either to find a good alternative, or perhaps find the item hook you're missing from another supplier, and we'll gladly take it home in stock, so you can order from us.
Product hooks for groove panel
We also have a large selection of product hooks for grooved panels. Several stores use product hooks for grooved panels and gondolas, as it makes it easy to move around the store's various displays, whether it's a summer display, Christmas display or similar. Goods hooks for grooved panels are also available in many different sizes, materials and shapes, so there is a good chance of finding the goods hooks for grooved panels that suit your business.
Also, many of the goods hooks are available in different lengths, so that they suitable for the number of items you want hanging on each item hook. Many of our goods hooks are available both as single spears, double goods hooks, or as many call them euro hooks, in short, we have all the goods hooks you need for panel boards
Goods hooks for Grids (heading)
If you use grids for product display, you will also find here a very large and varied selection of product skewers or product hooks. We have them in different surfaces or colors, black grid hooks, white grid hooks and galvanized grid hooks in e.g. 5 cm length, 10 cm long, 15 cm long, 20 cm long. You will also find them as euro hooks, i.e. double goods skewers. When you order product hooks for your grids, you must pay attention to the distance between the grids, the back edge must be able to reach down and catch the underlying wire to be able to be stuck on the grid. The deco grids we sell are all with a distance of 5 centimeters between the wires, while older grids and grids from other suppliers may have a greater or smaller distance between the wires. If the distance is less than 5 cm, you can generally use our product hooks, you just have to keep them horizontal when you attach it or into the grid and then turn them in place or vertically.
Is the distance between the threads on your grid larger than five centimetres, you must choose goods skewers whose back plate is greater than the distance between the threads on your grid, see e.g. the white double euro hooks, they fit even very large mesh grids, but there are plenty to choose from also for grids with other mesh sizes
Photo of grid with goods)
Goods hooks for impulse stands and Perforated plates (heading)
Item skewers or item hooks for perforated plates are again a bit problematic, as there are several different types of perforated plates and thus different hooks or spears that fit them. Let's start with the impulse stand (link) and our angle display (link) here we can offer single hooks in Ø5 galvanized or a 10 cm euro hook
Product hooks for square perforated plates (heading)< /p>
Here the range of product hooks is a bit decimated, but there is what most people need, namely galvanized single hooks in 5 cm, 10 cm, 15 cm, 20 cm and finally in 25 cm length.< /p>
If the goods you want to display on the grid are very heavy or require Euro hooks, i.e. double hooks, you will find them in the same lengths. We sell both types in packs of ten, regardless of whether they are single hooks or euro hooks.
Product hooks for 5 mm deco rod (heading)
A nice big part of Denmark's shops are furnished with wall rails, and that is because it is nice and durable and does not cost a fortune and is reasonably easy to move around on hanger bars and goods skewers, but not the rails, which are screwed firmly to the wall. One of these systems that several shop owners have is with 5 mm deco rods or 5 mm hanger rods (link). We can also offer a nice selection of cheap individual item hooks in metal in lengths 10 cm, 15 cm, 20 cm 25 cm and a strong variant in 30 centimeters for this shop fitting system. All models are sold in packs of 10
Product hooks for 12 mm deco rods
Also for shop fittings with 12 millimeter deco rods, you will find product spikes in different lengths, such as 5 mm the product spikes are available in the same lengths and you can buy them in packs of ten. consists of a smaller metal square in satin chrome, which you screw into the wall and then you can choose from a sea of different items and furnishing options. There e