Accessories for fitting rooms
Here you will find accessories for rehearsal rooms if you need to expand or improve the existing test room. Here you can order stools, fitting room mirrors and other more special items, such as face bags that protect both the customer's make-up and your clothing samples.

Here you will find almost everything in accessories for fitting rooms
As accessories for fitting rooms you will find here all the parts that a fitting room can consist of. This applies to the fitting room mirror, fitting room curtains, fitting room frames, various fitting room hangings, disposable socks, make-up bags, etc.
In a good and well-functioning fitting room, there must be hangers to hang the fitting clothes on, just as a chair or stool is an absolute must , if you as a customer don't want to feel completely ridiculous.
A large mirror is also part of an optimal customer experience and promotes sales. A large floor mirror close to your fitting rooms allows the customer and companions to see the product from multiple angles and in full daylight. When properly placed, it can function partly as a customer mirror, partly as a spy mirror and how often do you as a customer have to look for a mirror, a full-length mirror, in a shop, often, unfortunately. It is perhaps just the extra that makes the customer buy the item, namely the nice mirror close to the fitting room as an important part of fitting room accessories.
If there are make-up bags, the customer really feels that something has been done about your fitting room, that you appreciate her as a customer and take care of your goods and her make-up. We consider make-up bags to be a very important accessory for fitting rooms in stores that sell to the female customer.
Choose and order your accessories for your fitting rooms.