Cheap gift bags in many sizes and good quality from 0.15 pcs. Buy with or without trade. We have gift bags with a bottom, for ties, for wine and other purposes.
Plastic bags, carrier bags & shopping bags in numerous colors, sizes, qualities and types
Here you will find you everything in plastic bags, carrier bags, shopping bags, from the thin and cheap to the thick and solid - and still cheap! Plastic bags for all kinds of use for both you and your customers. Choose from the many plastic bags in all colours, sizes and qualities. Of course, we also have ziplock bags. We also have dry cleaning bags. In short, we have the plastic bags you need at a cheap price. Buy more plastic bags, the shipping is the same whether you order 1, 2 or 8 packages. has the selection, something to choose from within household furniture at just the right price.

Which plastic bags are best
What should you look for when you need to find the right plastic bag for your purpose? Should it be cheap plastic bags, large plastic bags, small plastic bags, organic plastic bags, yes, the possibilities are many, and there are just as many different plastic bags on the market. At ManneQ, we have a large selection of plastic bags that can meet all your requirements and needs! If you need a special plastic bag, do not hesitate to contact us by email or telephone.
There is no single plastic bag that can meet all needs. When you need to find the right plastic bag, you should think about what is most important to you. Is the most important thing an environmentally friendly plastic bag or a cheap plastic bag? Should it be large bags for bins or small bags for wrapping smaller products, storing food and the like. Regardless of the purpose, we have the right plastic bags for your needs.
Selection of plastic bags
We have a large selection of plastic bags, plastic bags, shopping bags for your shop or business, so whether you are looking for large, small, wide, narrow or long plastic carrier bags, plastic bags with or without handles, zip bags, patterned shopping bags, or good, solid plain plastic bags, we are convinced that we have the bag for you, including cleaning bags.
Thin plastic bags with handles
Of course, you can also find the thin plastic shopping bags with handles, the bags that you or the customer easily roll off and put fruit, vegetables, small items, sweets etc etc into .Depending on what the bags will be used for, it can be a question of whether they should be with or without a handle. You decide that, of course, you know what your customers prefer.
Carrying bags< /h2>
Carry bags are widely used in retail in many grocery stores, clothing stores, greengrocers, kiosks and many other stores. We sell plastic carrier bags to many different companies and private individuals. If you run a store where your customers need to take their goods with them directly from the store, then you most likely need carrier bags for your customers, and we have them in stock and can deliver quickly.
< p>On this page, we have a large selection of different carrier bags in several sizes. There are carrier bags with handles, carrier bags without handles, white carrier bags, transparent carrier bags and colored carrier bags. All our carrier bags are naturally of a good and durable quality. The price is always low with us, as we are one of the country's largest suppliers of shop fittings, we take pride in always having cheap carrier bags.The carrier bags are available in many sizes and variants, so there is a good opportunity to find just the right ones for your store. Our large range of carrier bags makes us a stable supplier of carrier bags to many hundreds of regular customers across the country, both small, medium-sized and also large companies have us as a permanent supplier of carrier bags.
Standard carrier bags
In addition to the many different standard carrier bags we can supply, we also have more special types of plastic bags. For example, bags for wrapping shirts. Bags for elongated items such as umbrellas and wrapping paper are typically a problem, but we also have a solution for that, namely our special, elongated plastic bags with a handle at one end, so that such goods can also be brought home safely.
Zip bags
Sometimes small bags are just better. If you need to pack small things or smaller items in small plastic bags, the small zip bags are an all-time solution. A ziplock bag can be opened and closed again and again, and is therefore reusable for a very long time for the customer.
Ziplock bags are available in many different sizes, and some of them have euro holes at the top to be able to hang on euro hooks .
The small ziplock bags are supplied in packs of 1000, and a thickness of 50 micron. Our shipping prices are the same regardless of how many zip bags you buy at a time, so buy plenty at a time to save on shipping costs.
Not all zip bags are approved for food, so be aware of which ones you buy and for what purpose you will use the zip bags . At ManneQ, we have both ziplock bags that are approved for food and those that are not, so regardless of the purpose, we can deliver the bags to you with day-to-day delivery.
Thick or thin bags
The thickness of plastic bags is calculated in microns, where, for example, the thin, clear bags for wet goods are 9 microns, while large, reliable carrier bags , which really have to carry something, can be up to 50 microns thick. You yourself know the feeling and the difference between a thin plastic bag and then the durable and almost indestructible, strong bag that the supermarkets also use.
Cheap bags
We always have fixed low prices for plastic bags and in good quality. Therefore, when you buy cheap bags from us, you can always send your customers out the door with me d a good quality bag, without it costing you a farm.
In addition to always having cheap bags, we have an automatic discount on the website where you get a 5% discount if you buy for more than DKK 2000, and 10% if you buy for more than DKK 5,000. This means that you can always buy cheap bags, plastic bags and carrier bags with and without handles at
Practical about plastic bags
Plastic bags are also called - perhaps not quite technically correct - plastic bags, and there are also some who spell it in a mixture of Danish and English and call them plastic bags. Regardless of what you call them, you will find them here in our webshop. It is also quite natural to call many types of plastic bags and carrier bags or shopping bags, since they are primarily used to carry the goods, your customers' purchases, home. can be used for many purposes. So here it really is that "a dear child has many names"
Cheap shipping on plastic bags and carrier bags
Regardless of whether you order 1 package, 5 packages, or 20 packages of plastic bags, then it only costs one time shipping. So order all the carrier bags/plastic bags your business needs and do it in large quantities and in good time - you know that, funnily enough, the stock always runs out, precisely when the flow of customers is greatest!
Delivery and prices for plastic bags
We usually deliver all kinds of plastic bags, carrier bags, BIO bags and all kinds of other plastic bags or fruit and vegetable bags, from day to day, so you don't have to wait forever when you order your bags here with us.