Male mannequins

Stylist male mannequins, naturalistic male mannequins, faceless etc.

Men's Mannequin Dolls. Denmark's largest selection of men's mannequins, especially; If you are looking for a men's mannequin, you have come to the right place. the right site with lots of male mannequins. We stock many different mannequins, including men's, women's and children's mannequins. In addition, we also have gins, shop counters, shelves and everything else in shop fittings.

Related categories: Women's mannequin - Børne mannequin - Photo mannequin - Sports mannequin

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Men's mannequin

We sell a lot of women's mannequins, and almost as many men's mannequins.

We think this is due to several factors, namely, firstly, that we can present an even very large selection, that we can deliver a men's mannequin quickly, many customers greatly appreciate that, and as a third parameter we believe that our prices for men's mannequins are very competitive.

But first of all, fast delivery, because when you as a customer have finally decided which men's mannequin you will use, where and how many of them, then it just has to go fast. That's why we wear spiked shoes every day to be able to deliver your next male mannequin - or preferably several!

Popular male mannequin dolls

That question is very easy to answer: they do quite cheap mannequins and in 2nd place they come somewhat more expensive, funnily enough.

Our customers are in many cases newly started clothing stores within menswear, including menswear stores for the very young segment, where the appearance of the mannequin plays a minor role. Here is our general advice: invest in our cheap headless men's mannequin in either matte white or matte black, and you can't go wrong. paid, then you can invest in the slightly more expensive men's mannequin. It pays off at the time, not at the start, unless you are wealthy - is our experience with investing in a men's mannequin.

Men's mannequins

The webshop allows you as a visitor to decide in which order you want to present the individual male mannequin, you can choose to sort the display by price, after which all male mannequins are displayed with the cheapest first, the most expensive last.

Or you can choose to sort them alphabetically, we would not immediately recommend that around the menu item Men's mannequins. The existing sorting is ours, and we recommend that you use it, so that you can quietly look through all the mannequins and form an overview of all the possibilities around the individual models.

Our sorting is with the headless mannequins first, then those with fixed heads, then those with removable heads, then naturalistic ones at bargain prices and finally finishing with the fully professional male mannequin, which you only invest in when the cash is earned and you can afford them.

Varnishing and painting a male mannequin

If you are looking for a male mannequin in a logo color or high gloss, a painted mannequin in some obscure color, we can also do it in addition to a number of standard colors and gloss degrees.See them currently most used colors under women's mannequins. We deliver quality on time, and if you have special wishes for your men's mannequin, we are the men to handle it, try us.

Our prices for a men's mannequin in the webshop are all inclusive. We do not charge extra for a glass base plate, for the wig, unless you order extra equipment. It is actually a good and cheap store decoration trick that if you have a natural male mannequin in your display in your windows, then a new wig signals a completely new window, or new and fresh fashion clothes on the mannequin. Who buys dusty shirts, ties, T-shirts? Neither mine nor your customers.

General about men's mannequins

We are so happy every time a customer orders a men's mannequin from us, because we know that we have advised you as a customer over the phone or via email, or you as a customer have called us, or that you yourself found the right mannequins from the large selection in our webshop with comments, as most of our customers do. After all, you are the ones who know what goes on in your store and around your customers, we don't know about that in any way, you are the expert.

We look forward to hearing from you. from you!