Nelly Grey female mannequin
Feminine and stylistic mannequin series in fashionable grey. Fits perfectly with the trend of the time and presents the clothes in the window and the shop on; a på at once discreet and at the same time smart way. With the Nelly Gray series, the clothes come to the fore and all details become visible. “Nelly Grey” has a nice grayå color and can be found in 6 different positions. The series has a neck-lock system, soå you can refrain from putting a head on; and instead use the mannequin as a head lamp. Nelly Gray comes with a round glass foot plate incl. foot and leg spike.
Related links: Women's mannequin - Men's mannequin - Børne mannequin - Photo mannequin - Sport mannequin are specialists in mannequins. We have a very large selection of different types and are sure that with us, you can find the right mannequin for your store or where you stand and need something to show clothes or other clothing. ;dning.
We supply mannequins to the clothes shop, to the clothes shops, to car dealers, to museums, to private individuals, to galleries, in short, to everyone.
The right mannequin doll
There are many different kinds of mannequins. It can be a mannequin with or without a head, with or without facial features. The individual mannequin can be completely natural with make-up and wig, and the body skin-colored or mulatto brown. It can be with sculpted hair, it can be painted in high gloss in all sorts of colours. It can be sports figures, in other words; swimmers, gymnasts or boys, it could be divers, it could be ball players, golfers, racing drivers, horse riders, or try to see our special yoga mannequins. Our selection is large, very large, så doing on hunt in our webshop and find your nearest mannequin here.
Your mannequins in the shop window and in the shop are, together with you, the most important sellers in the shop.
Stå Are you in need of, for example, a mannequin without a head, man, woman or teen/child, one with a removable head, with sculpted hair, a completely bald mannequin, perhaps a naturalistic mannequin with one or more different wigs, of course; you will definitely find it at
Select color can also; supply glossy mannequin models or in high gloss in all imaginable shapes and colors. When a mannequin is to be painted, it is important that it has time to harden, especially the paint or the surface becomes sore; strong and robust as possible. Therefore order well in advance!
If you order a mannequin in a special color, there will be typically 2-5 days before we can deliver, as we paint the whole thing 2 times to ensure you the best quality, especially; it will last for many, many years to come. Even in a south-facing window with lots of sun every day, the color does not fade or only minimally bleach across the lines as it poses and draws customers to your store
All our mannequins come with or are included footplate with both foot spikes and ankle spikes, so that they can pretty much all have footslashes on them; about ø The foot spike goes up into the sole of the doll's foot, while the ankle spike goes into the back of the doll. the shin a little below the knee, this means that you can put shoes, sandals and not too long boots on; your mannequin from us.
Cheap mannequins for photography
One of our major areas of expertise is photo mannequins, a mannequin that has been specially developed and optimized to wear clothes and be photographed. The images are used in fashion magazines, magazines, webshops, special offers and a number of other places. You know them guaranteed, you see the clothes just like på an ”invisible” body, you only see the clothes and nothing else.