
This website uses cookies for the above purposes. A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your browser to recognize your computer on repeated visits. No personal information is stored in our cookies and they cannot contain viruses.

2.1 How long cookies are stored

Cookies delete themselves after a certain number of months (may vary), but they are updated after each visit.

2.2 How to remove cookies

See instructions here:

2.3 How do I avoid cookies?

If you do not want to receive cookies, you can block them. See instructions here:

2.4 What cookies are used on our website

Cookies are used to collect statistics on the number of users and to adapt and improve the website's content afterwards, so that users get the best experience on the page.

2.5 Google Analytics (traffic measurement)

The website uses cookies from Google Analytics to measure traffic on the website. You can opt out of cookies from Google Analytics here:

3. Use of personal data

Personal data is never given to third parties, unless you yourself expressly give your consent to this, and we never collect personal data without you having given us this information yourself when registering, purchasing or participating in a survey, etc. Information is collected here about name, address, postal code, e-mail, gender, age, interests, attitudes and knowledge of different subjects. Personal data is used to complete the purchase or service in connection with which the information is collected. The information is also used to get to know you and other users of the website better. This use can, among other things, include research and analysis aimed at improving our products, services and technologies, as well as display content and advertising tailored to your interests and hobbies.

3.1 Protection of personal data

According to the Personal Data Act, your personal data must be kept secure and confidential. We store your personal information on computers with limited access located in controlled facilities, and our security measures are continuously reviewed to determine whether our user information is handled correctly, while respecting your rights as a user. However, we cannot guarantee 100 percent security for data transmissions via the Internet. This means that there can be a risk that others unmotivatedly force access to information when data is sent and stored electronically. You therefore provide your personal data at your own risk.

The rapid development of the internet means that changes in our processing of personal data may become necessary. We therefore reserve the right to update and change these guidelines for processing personal data. Any corrections will be shown on this page, with reference to the date of change.
Insofar as personal data about you is processed, you have the right to receive information about which personal data can be transferred to you under the Personal Data Act. If it turns out that the data or information processed about you is incorrect or misleading, you have the right to demand that this be corrected, deleted or blocked. You can object to the processing of data about you at any time. You can also withdraw your consent at any time. You have the opportunity to complain about the processing of data and information concerning you. Complaints are submitted to the Danish Data Protection Authority, cf. subsection 58 of the Personal Data Act. 1.

The above cookie policy is based on's standard cookie policy.